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Interior decoration

Why is art important in interior decoration?

When searching and collecting art works people pursue different goals. For some, buying a painting is akin to an insane passion, for some it is an investment and for some it's an element of lifestyle. But whatever the reasons the eventual buyer of a painting or of a sculpture is guided by, in 90% of the cases the art object becomes part of a residential or non-residential space.

And then a new life begins for the art object because, in this way, it becomes a marker reflecting the individuality and taste of its new owner. A painting placed on a wall begins to interact with existing objects but also performs its own solo part.

Having been a professional decorator for many years, I have gained considerable experience in decorating living spaces with works of art. Often, I was inspired by the Grand Tour aesthetics, which is characterized by a certain dualism in the collected and displayed objects. On one hand, they were supposed to be objects of taste, reflecting the inner world of the owner, on another hand, there is always a place for learning, respect for knowledge and intellectual puzzles.

Nonetheless, I have always looked at interior decoration through the prism of modernity, with a certain touch of irony inherent in postmodernism.